Here’s another anthem to add to my list. It was so popular here when it came out, then made a comeback when Turner teamed up with Jimmy Barnes to use this song to promote the NRL. The sax solo is magnificent.

Simply The Best is a great song to mark the end of the 1980s for me, as I finished up at high school and looked ahead to the next challenge. My high school football team travelled to Aussie that year and won the Trans-Tasman Challenge tournament (sounds grander than it was but we did, at least, win). That trip was the best!

I also had my first (and only) car crash at the end of ’89. It was my fault but the only thing hurt was the red Cortina stationwagon I was driving. Thankfully. That wasn’t the best. But it was a good lesson.

And here’s something I didn’t know until now. Turner’s version was actually a remake. Check out the Wikipedia link for more on that.

Here’s the Wikipedia link.