J Swap Contractors Ltd is a multi-diversified business based in Matamata. The company had its beginnings in 1937 when Joe Swap started working for the farmers in the eastern Waikato. The company continues to do this – with many rural customer relationships going back several decades – under the direction of Joe’s sons David and Lewis.
The company has regularly added new business areas as opportunities have arisen, and the third generation of the family are part of a dynamic and varied business. Today J Swap Contracting’s various but inter-related activities have made the company’s name well-known throughout New Zealand.
They hadn’t updated their website since 2008. It was seriously out of date and badly in need of a refresh. Following on from the success of the Swap Stockfoods website, we helped the company upgrade their main website. As with the stockfoods site, we managed the project while site development was carried out by WebSpring.